Labeling People As “Toxic” Isn’t Getting You Anywhere.

Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life.

Willow Drake
Short. Sweet. Valuable.


Photo by Galina Yarovaya. from Pexels

In early 2021, I left my family home and all the humans that raised me. It was one of the hardest and scariest things I have ever done.

Despite my wholly justified reasons for cutting them out, I choose to no longer label them as “toxic” when I tell that story.

For me, labeling them as toxic is an easy way to create separation between us so I can cover the uncomfortable feeling of sadness.

In calling them toxic or even feeling the need to explain why they’re not in my life, I see them less as people who raised me and more like fluke’s in my journey.

My mind goes to work looking for all of the memories that were saved as even slightly negative and then it builds a strong case against them.

I’ve arrived at a place in my journey where I no longer desire to give energy to old stories that ultimately make me feel shitty and less connected to God.

“Let it goooo.” — Elsa

I have so much beauty right in front of me. Why waste precious time putting others down at this point?

I see my family as some of the best teachers I have had.

They helped me navigate life throughout childhood, held space for me as I stumbled through the first ten years of adulthood, and witnessed as I began my journey into motherhood.

I am grateful for them. And while I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed in their behavior, I wouldn’t change a thing. They all played their parts perfectly.

And now my part is to keep speaking about them with love and compassion, ensuring that my kids establish respect for those that are different from them.

This whole conscious motherhood thing isn’t easy, but damn it is worth the work.



Willow Drake
Short. Sweet. Valuable.

Writer, Educator, Bodhisattva // I write to release, renew, and elevate. join me.