If You’re Stressed About Money, This One’s For You.

7 Ways to Change Your Situation Today

Willow Drake
5 min readFeb 4, 2024
Photo by cottonbro studio

When I began my prosperity journey a couple of years ago, I was totally in it for the money. I had gotten so uncomfortable with my financial situation, I was willing to try anything — including what essentially seemed like magic. I committed to doing the mental programming every day until my bank account was full and I could finally feel safe again.

I recited my 30+ prosperity statements every morning without fail for 2 months straight. There were days when I was empowered and I felt the presence of Spirit with me. There were days when I was reactionary to the 3-D world and I was literally crying through each statement. But. I was committed. I was so tired of being uncomfortable with my relationship with money; there was no going back.

Within 2 weeks, I had discovered a lot about how I had been perceiving prosperity my whole life. My relationship with money mirrored that of my mother (scarcity) and my stepfather (abundance, but wasteful). I recognized it was time for me to align with my truth and really live out these new agreements about prosperity.

I became aware of all the subtle ways my mind was pushing away prosperity throughout the day. A thought would pop up, “how will you pay this bill? Are you going to have enough? When will you have more?” This would create cognitive dissonance, or a disconnect between my statements in the morning and my thoughts later. It was like time stretched out in those moments and I actually had a choice. Rather than being auto-pilot reactionary, I could choose to believe what I wanted.

Although bits of money started appearing here and there, I knew God wasn’t going to just set a million dollars on my doorstep. However, I did start receiving a lot of opportunities to make money. That was when I truly realized that my job was to prepare to receive the blessings, rather than use my analytic mind to figure out the how.

I also saw how shallow my receiving had become. I was surrounded by abundance all the time but with very little ability to fully receive, I pushed away it constantly.

I now see prosperity to mean awareness of love in all things. And if I can maintain an awareness of prosperity (love), then I will continue to live an abundant life full of a myriad of human experiences. I have begun to scratch the surface of “living in the world, but not of it.” I can be here now, without losing consciousness of my truth — I AM the creator of all, and the creation itself. I am a spiritual being having a human experience. And I am always cared for.

In my journey these are the rules I have learned to keep an elevated awareness of prosperity:

1. Let it go

  • You can’t hold onto resentments and expect abundance. This is a scarcity frequency, a non-abundant frequency.
  • Get rid of things that have been sitting unused in your space. Literally make room for more.

2. Clean it up

  • Clean up your space — show that you can take good care of what you have already been given. If you have a home, show honor and respect to that space by keeping it tidy. Put it on the calendar. Make it a daily ritual.
  • Your job is not to obsess over the “how.” Instead, listen to your intuition on how to prepare to receive the blessings.
  • Clean up your diet
  • Clean up your newsfeed

3. Attiude of Gratitude

  • Be aware of more and suddenly you have more; widen your capacity to receive (how do you react when someone says you look beautiful, or you’re amazing?)
  • When someone offers a compliment, try saying, “I fully receive that.”
  • You are taking time to fully receive the gift of someone experiencing beauty through you.
  • This models prosperity awareness for others

4. “I AM Prosperity.”

  • You are the great I AM — It’s fun to play this person you are this time around, but as soon as you believe you’re the human (not the thing powering the human), you feel trapped and limited…because you are! Don’t limit yourself–be free and become the Great I Am.
  • When you say “I am prosperity!” you are making the claim that you are the thing you seek. You lose separation with that which you desire and all that you want in life becomes an extension of your existence.

5. Manage your supply

  • Manage your supply in humility and grace and confidence–”I spend wisely and under direct supervision from Source, knowing my supply is endless.”
  • Think of money as its own entity. Think of it as a woman. Money wants to know you are going to respect it and take it out to do fun things.It doesn’t want to be hated or disrespected. Again, wrong frequency.
  • Keep your physical money organized. Pick up a penny in the street.
  • Show money that you want to use it for fun–plan a trip and start a piggy bank!
  • Move money around intentionally and you will find that you have more to play with than you previously thought.

6. Practice the presence of God

  • Prosperity lives in presence. Be present in your life; say yes to the expression in front of you and mind your personal experience of it. Fully receive it, as it is. This is unconditional love.
  • You cannot change anything until you receive it as it is. You literally don’t recognize it with true awareness, therefore it cannot be manipulated.
  • Act as if God was in human form standing next to you watching your every move. How would you act?

7. Sharing is caring

  • Hoarding is not the frequency of abundance.
  • Giving freely models your belief that your supply is endless

As I move forward in my personal expansion journey, I know that I can always come back to this practice as just one of the many tools in my box. Anytime I start to feel my mind slipping into judgment, scarcity, lack, or resentment I will come back to my statements of truth.

I will come back to who I really am and focus on gratitude for what I already have. Like attracts like. If I focus on keeping my vibration high, I become prosperity itself, and all things I desire are simply extensions of my consciousness.

I hope that reading this review on my experiences of prosperity awareness helps you to widen your capacity to receive and open your mind to what prosperity can mean. I pray that you can find love in all things and continue to anchor back to your truth as well.

Maintaining an elevated state of awareness will only be easier as you maintain your movement, meditation, and breathing practices. Remember, if you can breathe, you can get through anything.

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Willow Drake

Writer, Educator, Bodhisattva // I write to release, renew, and elevate. join me.